Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme and coordinated by Steinbeis 2i in Germany, SEADE works with key partners and advisors from the innovation landscape of Europe and Africa.


    Profile: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum forms a bridge to Europe for companies and industry, research organisations, universities, administrations and policy makers.

    Role in SEADE: Steinbeis brings its vast experience in project management and coordination as well as leading the communication and dissemination activities.

  • METHYS (South Africa)

    Profile: Methys is an international innovation group that provides Data Intelligence, Enterprise Performance Management, Alternative Investments, and other IT consulting services for corporates across Europe and Africa.

    Role in SEADE: Methys plays a crucial role in integrating the SEADE digital environment for Research and Innovation in Digital (R&IID) Actors in the ENRICH in Africa platform . They are also the pilot lead for our services in South Africa.

  • BOND’INNOV (France)

    Profile: Bond supports responsible entrepreneurship with impact in connection with emerging territories, and is particularly active in promoting innovation in Africa and Europe.

    Role in SEADE: Bond’Innov brings vast expertise in organising different programmes for entrepreneurs. In SEADE, they will develop services for researchers and are also the pilot lead for Senegal.


    Profile: A pan-European, global community of 160+ members that use innovative business as a driver for regional (economic) development.

    Role in SEADE: EBN brings a vast network of stakeholders to the project and is leading outreach activities.

  • WAZIUP e.V.

    Profile: WAZIUP e.V. is a non-profit organisation promoting cutting-edge technologies and capacity building toward emerging countries.

    Role in SEADE: WAZIUP will launch an IoT: research to market programme for African hubs, universities and young people. They are also the pilot lead for Kenya.


    Profile: HAPA assists young adults in building start-ups and developing STEM skills. As an active member of the Ghana Hubs network and AfriLabs, their focus includes business development and community building, with a community of over 2000 startups benefitting from empirical market research.

    Role in SEADE: HAPA is leading the human-centred research, which is key to understanding the challenges faced by R&IID actors


    Profile: TIA bridges the gap between research and development. Their primary role is to support the development and commercialisation of South African technology innovations by focusing on development, from proof of concept to pre-commercialization.

    Role in SEADE: TIA connect researchers and policy makers, strengthening the innovation ecosystem in South Africa and beyond.

  • BPIFRANCE (France)

    Profile: Bpifrance, the French Public Investment Bank, delivers massive programmes to innovative entrepreneurs. Their online matchmaking platform EuroQuity connects companies with investors and partners in Africa and Europe.

    Role in SEADE: Through EuroQuity, Bpifrance contributes a unique asset, a digital platform which facilitates the connection between companies and investors from early stage to series B/C. They also participate in delivering programmes for researchers.


    Profile: The AAU unites over 420 African higher education institutions and has vast experience in international cooperation. In previous projects, they successfully implemented quality assurance promotion, data collection improvements, and policy advocacy.

    Role in SEADE: AAU brings its network of African Universities and supports with the development of recommendations for activities beyond the four pilot regions, ensuring that lessons learned are disseminated across SSA.


    Profile: The EiAC is an registered legal entity coming out of the EiA project and is the implementing partner owning the EiA platform, which will be the main vehicle to deliver the SEADE digital tools and services. Its involvement in the project guarantees the legacy of SEADE activities after project end.

    Role in SEADE: As part of the SEADE Digital Environment, the ENRICH in Africa Center platform serves as a vehicle to provide services, tools and programmes in the project.


ENRICH in Africa is supported by an external expert Advisory Board that will advise the team throughout the lifetime of the project.

Pierre Yves Danet


Kirstin Wiedow

Global Innovation Gathering (mAkE DIH Project)

Chantal Vernis

IRD (EU research network)

SEADE builds on a number of key initiatives supporting the innovation ecosystems of Africa and Europe.

ENRICH in Africa project

